Terms of Use & Conditions

Terms of Use & Conditions


The company under the name " TERKENLIS SINGLE MEMBER SA", with VAT number 094374009, based in the Industrial Area of Thessaloniki. N. Redestos and is legally represented, with an e-mail address info@terkenlis. gr., telephone service line of the online store +30 2310477250, (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), has created and manages this Website (hereinafter referred to as "terkenlis-eshop. gr").

Visitors to the website are kindly requested to read carefully the following terms of use.

These terms of use regulate the rights and obligations regarding the use of the website located at the terkenlis-eshop.gr and constitute an agreement between the visitor / user (hereinafter "you", "your" and / or "visitor / user") and the Company. Their acceptance is considered to be made with the entry and navigation of the visitor / user on the website. This acceptance consists of his explicit, unconditional and irrevocable agreement to comply with these terms. In case of disagreement of the user / visitor with any of the terms, he / she must stop and avoid browsing it, notifying, if desired, the Company.

The Company reserves the right to add, modify and suspend (temporarily or permanently) the provision of any service provided herein or even the entire website. We may modify at any time, without prior notice to you, these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, the Cookies Policy as well as the services provided. Any modification will be effective from the moment it is posted on the website. We recommend that you regularly visit the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy section in order to be informed of all modifications made.

An integral part of these Terms of Use are the Privacy Policy, the Cookies Policy and the Terms & Conditions of Transactions, which we kindly ask you to read.


Rules of Use of the Website


The navigation on the website is in accordance with the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, national and supranational legislation.

When browsing our website, you must behave decently, politely and discreetly, refraining from practices that are contrary to the Code of Ethical Conduct on the Internet (Necquette).

You shall not use the Website for any illegal or unauthorized purpose.


It is expressly prohibited:

  • The publication or sending in any way by personal message information, audiovisual material, text, link to another website (link) or generally a file recognizable / executable by a computer or other electronic device, with content illegal, abusive, vulgar, pornographic, threatening, slanderous, annoying, harmful to minors or expressing national, racial or other discrimination.
  • Any way sending information, audio-visual material, text, a link to another website (link) or in general a file recognizable/executable by a computer or other electronic device, containing any virus (virus), harmful software or code (malware), unsolicited advertising material (pop-up) and unsolicited bulk mail (spam) that can cause either temporary or permanent damage/malfunction to any equipment (hardware and software) of a computer and electronic devices in general or delays, interferences and interruptions in server operations or any telecommunications network.
  • Even the attempt to copy, modify, reproduce, create derivative works, framing or mirroring programs, republish, download, display, transmit or distribute all or part of the services provided by or through the Website, in any media and in any way,
  • The use of any robot, spider, web search or retrieval application or any other device for copying, retrieval, archiving or indexing for any part of the Site that requires authentication or is disabled.

We expressly state that web harvesting is not permitted.

Limitation of Liability


By accessing this Website, you accept that your navigation and use of this Website is at your own risk. The parties involved in the creation, production or publication of this Website bear no responsibility whatsoever. The Company shall not be liable in any way for any damage that may result from browsing this Website or from the storage (downloading) of any material, text, data, etc. from this Website, including but not limited to, anything that may have been caused by a virus (virus, Trojan horses), bug, human action or omission, by any computer system, telephone line, computer hardware, software or software malfunction or any other error, omission or delay in transmission from the computer or network connection.

All necessary security measures shall be taken and the most appropriate technical mechanisms for the protection of content shall be applied, with the aim of providing the safest possible environment for users, in accordance with the relevant legislative provisions. However, it is always possible that errors/malfunctions/interruptions may occur in the contents of the website and/or that viruses or other harmful software (malware) may appear either on the website or on its server.

There is no guarantee on behalf of the Company that any other linked website or the servers through which it is made available, are provided to you free of viruses or other harmful components. Therefore, no claim of a financial or of any other nature, can be made to remedy any damage resulting from the above reasons, and the cost is on the visitor’s/user’s sole responsibility. Your interaction in any way with other websites and Internet services is at your sole and absolute discretion and is at your own risk and there is no responsibility of the Company.


Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights


The entire content of this Website, including but not limited to, documents, texts, names, trademarks, logos, domain names, software, graphics, illustrations, photographs, images, video or audio files, constitutes intellectual and industrial “property” of the Company from the moment of its publication on the Internet and therefore meets the protection of the relevant provisions of Greek and European law as well as international conventions.

It is expressly prohibited to reproduce, retransmit, republish, download screenshots, copy, store, sell, rent, lease, transfer, assignment, cession (with or without consideration), commercial exploitation, transmission, distribution, publication, execution, download, translation, modification in any way or means, in part or in whole, without the prior express consent of the Company. The user/visitor accepts that anything contained in the pages of this Website is a registered trademark or product of intellectual and industrial property of the Company or third parties (used under license) and therefore any unauthorized use may result in legal penalties.

Exceptionally, it is permitted to store a single copy of part of the content of the Website on a personal computer, exclusively for personal - private use, without erasing or altering the indication of origin, provided that this action does not affect intellectual and industrial property rights and exclusive exploitation of the Company or third parties.

Links from and to other Websites


With the help of appropriate links within the website, it is possible to access third-party websites. The placement of these links has been made with the sole purpose of facilitating visitors during their browsing on the Internet. Each link leads to a different website, the browsing of which is subject to the terms of use of that website.

The Company is not responsible for the content and services of other websites to which it refers through links, hyperlinks or banners (including, without limitation, social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+). The Company does not guarantee nor can it control the availability, content and privacy policy of the linked website. Therefore, for any problem encountered when visiting/using them, you should contact the respective websites that are solely responsible for the provision of their services. Access using the links provided to the website in question is the sole responsibility of the user.

Violation of the Terms of Use


Breaching or attempting to breach the security of the Website is prohibited.

In the event of a breach of these Terms, we may terminate your access, in whole or in part, to the Website, services or applications (including mobile applications) available or accessible through the Website. Violation of the above mentioned security rule may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution. The Company will fully cooperate with the authorities and comply with any court order to identify the offender.

You fully understand and accept that you are solely responsible to indemnify the Company and any of its affiliates for any damage caused to the Company itself /and its affiliates due to the illegal use of the Website.


Applicable Law & Dispute Resolution


It is our constant aim to resolve any disputes that may arise from the application of these terms of use amicably and out of Court. In the event of any disputes that may arise and will not be settled amicably, the Courts of Thessaloniki have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve and the applicable law is Greek law.




For any questions or comments regarding the above Terms of Use, as well as our practices, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@terkenis.gr

Terms & Conditions of Transactions

1. Applied as follows.

1.1. This Agreement covers exclusively any sale of products within the Greek territory, through the website terkenlis-eshop.gr, of the company with the name "TERKENLIS SA", ( hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), subject exclusively to the specific terms and agreements.

1.2. The use of the website “terkenlis-eshop.gr” for commercial purposes of third parties is prohibited.

1.3 The Company reserves the right at any time and without prior notification to remove and/or modify the e-shop, its terms of use and the terms of transactions.

2. Products

2.1 The Company's products are offered subject to their availability.

2.2. The Company reserves the right to withdraw or modify its products found in the e-shop at any time, without prior notice to you.

2.3 The Company's production unit processes raw materials, which may contain traces of nuts, raisins, sesame seeds and traces of other substances as contained in the Directive 2003/89 on allergens. Before placing your order, please read the ingredients of each product and our instructions therein.

2.4 The products should be preserved in their packaging and at room temperature (25 degrees Celsius).

3. Packaging.

3.1 Each product shall bear on its packaging a list of its ingredients and the limit of its proposed date of consumption.

4. Orders/Contract

4.1. Orders are sent in writing via the internet by completing and sending the relevant Order Form available on the terkenlis-eshop.gr website. Your order is considered received by the "Company" from the moment its payment has been approved/confirmed, at which point you will be notified of the relevant indication " Confirmation of Order’s Registration ". You must check the Registration Confirmation and immediately notify the "Company" in writing of any error, otherwise the information stated in the Registration Confirmation will apply to this Agreement.

4.2 Updates on the order status are displayed on the user's screen and are sent by an e-mail to the contact e-mail address registered by the user.

4.3 The Company reserves the right not to accept an order at its sole discretion (indicative reasons related to the product, the order, the shipment).

4.4 Cancellation of an Order. Cancellation of an order after the Company has sent " Confirmation of Order’s Registration " indication is not accepted."

5. Price/Prices.

5.1. The listed product prices include the statutory VAT.

5.2. The price payable by you is the total price of the product(s) and the transportation costs.

5.3. The prices of the online store products can change at any time. The indicated prices of the products are valid for purchases from the online store. The prices of products for purchase through a physical store may vary. The "Company" bears no responsibility for any price variation.

5.4. The ownership of the product is transferred only after full payment of the above price.

6. Payment Methods.

6.1. Our online store exclusively accepts Mastercard, American Express, Visa & Maestro credit/debit cards of any bank through Security Certificate & SSL Technology, the confirmation of which is carried out through the 3D Secure Network system of VISA and MASTERCARD.

6.2. The Company has taken all necessary measures to secure your transactions through your credit card. All payments made using a card are processed through the Stripe electronic payment platform, through TLS 1.1 encryption, with a 128-bit encryption protocol (Secure Sockets Layer – SSL). Encryption is a way of encoding information until it reaches its intended recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key.

6.3. Our online store does not collect or store your credit card details in any way, and for this reason you need to re-enter them every time you use your credit card for transactions through it.

7. Exceptions to the Right of Withdrawal

By way of exception, the consumer does not have the right of withdrawal in the following cases as applied to “ off-premises” contracts (Article 3b of the KYA Z1-891/13-06-2013):

  • The supply of goods that have been manufactured according to the consumer's specifications or were clearly personalized.
  • The supply of goods that can be damaged or expire soon.
  • The supply of sealed goods which are not suitable for return, for health protection or hygiene reasons, and which have been unsealed after delivery.
  • The supply of goods which, after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably mixed with other elements.

8. Force Majeure

The "Company" is not responsible for delays in performance (including delivery) due to circumstances beyond its fault or due to force majeure and shall be entitled to an extension of time for its performance. Such circumstances include for example strikes, acts of terrorism, war, supplier / transportation / production problems, currency fluctuations, governmental or legislative acts and natural disasters.

9. Governing Law – Jurisdiction


All the transactions you carry out through the "company" are governed by International and European law, which regulates issues related to electronic commerce, as well as by the Law on Consumer Protection (Law 2251/1994) which regulates issues related to distance sales.

9. Sending your order means that:

A) You have read and understood the present terms and you unconditionally accept them.

B) The products are purposed for your own consumption or for the own consumption of the person, who are being shipped and their further promotion and resale is prohibited. Similarly, the disposal of the packaging that accompanies them is prohibited.

C) It is your obligation to provide your personal data accurately.

D) You are the legal owner of the credit card you are using for your transaction (in case the credit card belongs to another person, you have his/her consent for the transaction) and that the credit card has not been cancelled or prohibited in any way.

E) The email address you register and use belongs to you, is accurate and active.

F) Maintaining the confidentiality of your password is your sole responsibility and you will not allow anyone else to use it.

H) The Company reserves the right not to accept your order.

I) Guarantee the safe use of the website from your computer in terms of virus transmission.

IA) Your connection to the e-shop is at your own risk as to the possibility of any damage to your computer and its software (from any transmission of viruses), which you know, that you are at risk when connecting to it and you assume it entirely.

IB) You shall indemnify the Company in full (agents, employees and associates) for any loss arising from your breach of this agreement.

IC) Any liability of the Company for any matter arising hereunder shall be limited solely to the price of your order, and you waive any claim for any excess damages.